Commitment Phobia and Trusting the Experts

Commitment phobia / commitment fatigue still gets me 😬🙅🏻‍♀️ Tell me, have you ever said to yourself like I have in the past: nah, I’d rather not get involved in one of those “programs” that’s 21, 30, 60, 90 days long… and the honest reason being that the commitment scares you? Like you don’t think you could do it and failing hurts too much so you just avoid it? 🙍🏻‍♀️ So been there! 😩

I’m as surprised as anyone that these programs are what I now willingly choose…but after experiencing my very first one of this kind (I specify because the 30 Day Shred DVDs I picked up at Target a few years ago I quit after 6 days), on THIS I was completely hooked. Because it addressed nutrition AND fitness. Because I was so fed up with where I was and was desperately craving change.

So yes, over the last 3+ years I’ve started and finished a BUNCH of these programs…not ever perfectly, and that’s another subject for another day (letting go of the death grip I had on perfection), but genuinely finishing them! 🏁

What’s funny to me though, is that I still have this little rebellious streak I go through after completing one, especially the longer ones. Where I’m like “OKAY! Now, what am I craving that’s different? Which other trainers have I missed? 🤩” and I go off and do my own thing for days/weeks, sometimes months! I really enjoy going back through to the specific workouts I remember being my favorites from past programs. When I encounter one like this while I’m actually doing a full program, I make note on an ongoing list I have so it’s easier to revisit it later (since there are literally hundreds of workouts in my online streaming library 🙌🏻🎰).

The last few weeks since finishing the 4 day/week lifting and HIIT program I did during the last weeks of Gary’s deployment AND our move without needing to skip a beat because of the awesome flexible schedule, I’ve been revisiting all my favorite leg and glute workouts — they’re just the ones I like best! 🍑👏🏻 What I *wasn’t* really doing, was following a balanced routine, and since I knew I’d been leaving my upper body out of the equation a bit much, I dove back into a great back and biceps workout from my last program. Felt great, lifted the same weights for each exercise because I could, but maaaaaan was I SORE the next couple of days!

Not easing back into that muscle group and also following my own non-schedule resulted in me paying for it. It wasn’t debilitating, but I took a rest day the next day and then chose a great yoga routine the day after to stretch out and open up (this great move pictured here was sooo good on my sore and tight chest).

All this to say: I’m ready now after all this doing my own thang to choose my next program! 🤗 To trust the folks who know what’s up and follow an expertly designed plan again. The guidance given in these programs is tailored to where you are within them. And for those new to exercise in their current stage of life, or who want more than just to dabble but to really see results, following a great PLAN is really where it’s at. Don’t flounder unnecessarily. There’s really no point in that! If you’re ready to do work, make it count with great nutrition guidance, workout plans/calendar (where each move is shown as you go, with form advice, that’s big for me 👌🏻), and don’t do it all alone! Privacy, sure, you do this from home or wherever you’d like, but with COMMUNITY 👯‍♀️💖 All integral parts of my continuing to feel good and enjoy where I’m at now as well as continuing to progress.

I share because I’ve been in your shoes and I want you to hear me: you can get out of the rut you’re in. You can learn how to fuel your body so you’re both happy with your food and happy in your skin. You can affect the change you so desire in your body, mind, and spirit. YOU CAN. Here for ya, girl! 👏🏻💕




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