Making Things Happen | My Experience

Making Things Happen: Vegas.  There were 30 of us in the room that day.  A BIG group.  I’ll admit I wasn’t thrilled about the size to start with—to me it meant a less intimate atmosphere.  I shouldn’t have worried.  The large number added to the scope of what we were there to tackle together.

We shared our greatest fears.  Evaluated our relationships with the 5 people we are closest to.  Developed a list of ideal mentors and a plan to get them into our lives.  Identified our top 10 distractions {we have distractions because we don’t want to deal with our lives}.  Revisited the necessity of “clearing the clutter.”  We downloaded everything that was clouding our mind into our notebooks.  Then chose three items from the list and made three action steps to get the ball rolling or completely finish the tasks.  We talked about how important having an environment that inspires you is {I’m happy to say that with this recent move I put focused effort into making that happen in my office!}

We had focused breaks throughout the day where we didn’t talk to anyone and were just present with our emotions.  Some wisdom from the back of my Sun Chips bag at lunch: “Big changes can come from small steps.”  How perfect!  We wrote out what our ideal day would look like.  If you take the time to set yourself up for success the night before by preparing for the next day you give yourself no choice but to walk right into your ideal day!  “How you start the day determines the day” – Simon T. Bailey.

*This isn’t supposed to happen overnight, it’s a journey.  Progress not perfection.  No mistakes, only lessons.

We talked about the importance of boundaries and hours.  We wrote down and shared things that FIRE. US. UP!  We were encouraged to have the list somewhere visible to inspire us when we lose motivation.  My list: silly laughter with Gary.  Feeling my heart beat, working up a sweat.  Beauty in nature.  Praise music.  Crafting.  Project completion.  Tears.  Good beats that make me move.  Our little love, our dog Claire.  “God moments.”  Design.  Snow.  The sound of rain.  Skipping.  Good food.  Conquering plans.  A great bargain.  Slow dancing.  Bubble baths.  Great light.  A really comfy bead.  Classical music.  The list could go on and on . . .

We shared “my life is too short to/not to:” statements.  Mine were: My life is too short to not be all in.  To not be inspired daily.  To not experience luxury often.  To not be the best version of me.  To not be a better Christian.  To not feel the fear and do it anyway.  To NOT MOVE FORWARD despite imperfection <— that one is HUGE!  To not give to others.  To not own that I have a new life story–the past is freaking over!

Near the end, we wrote and shared “I am” statements.  Mine: “I am fulfilled <3.” And to elaborate: “I am the best version of myself every day which allows me to be an awesome wife and (eventually) mom, as well as a cherished and valued creative.”

Finally, we did a pre-visualization exercise.  The idea is that if you visualize where you want to be and all the steps it took to get there it will be that much easier to walk that path or one like it and reach your goals.  We got comfortable.  The lights were turned down low.  We were asked to imagine our lives in 5-10 years having accomplished everything we wanted to.  What did that look like?  Smell like?  Feel like?  Here is what I saw:

I was in a second story bedroom of a home in Colorado Springs.  The floors were dark wide plank wood.  The walls were a soft blue.  The sheer white curtains floated in the breeze from an open window.  I looked around the room and saw white furniture, including a baby’s crib.  I realized I had a baby boy.  It made me cry tears of happiness (in real life).  I made my way into the hall and down our traditional white banister staircase.  Into the gorgeous kitchen with soft white cabinets and black honey-flecked stone counters.  It looked out over our comfortable and inviting living room.  The windows were all open and curtains moved in the gentle breeze.  Canvas portraits of our sweet family hung on the walls, emanating happy memories.  I looked out the French doors into the backyard, an expansive bright green lawn with a mountain view.  Children chased each other while adults chatted and enjoyed the sunshine.  A long blue velvet chesterfield couch sat facing the mountains and I sat down in the middle.  Slowly, my husband, my parents, our families and friends all came and sat down with and around me.  I felt their warmth.  Soaked up their love.  After a few minutes I said I had something to tell them.  I got up and began telling them about my journey.  How it had all started with an idea and an amazing movement called Making Things Happen.  I told them about the struggles and the victories.  And I told them how I wanted this freedom for all of them too.  They listened intently and when I was finished they hugged and loved me and said they were so happy I had reached my goals.  Then one by one they went back to what they were doing before.  Playing, talking, enjoying our home.  Slowly they left in groups and I was alone in the sunshine on my blue sofa.  And I was fulfilled.

One of my favorite things that I took away from Making Things Happen was when Lara shared that tears fire her up, because they mean truth.  I don’t know if I’ve cried so much in one 13 hour period as I did that day.  But they were powerful tears.  Tears of truth!  I am not embarrassed by tears anymore.  They are powerful, changing.  I am grateful for them and they make my “fires me up” list, now, too.

Taken by Lara with Hipstamatic at the end of MTH

Today, a few weeks later, I really appreciate that we had such a large group.  Now I have 29 cheerleaders who spent that wonderful day with me and who know my dreams and fears.  They have already inspired me so much.  {I love you, friends!}

For those of you who haven’t attended MTH or heard of it before or if you want to be part of the movement—check out Lara Casey’s latest blog post, “The Challenge”.  It goes through much of what we did at MTH and is a great recap of the work she laid out during the two one week challenges last month.  It is worth committing to.  Please let me know if you do!  I can’t wait to cheer you on.  :)

I appreciate you so much for being on this journey with me.  Here’s to Making Things Happen!





  1. March 14, 2011 / 11:16 pm

    Erin! I am so incredibly proud of you! You are amazing!

  2. March 15, 2011 / 7:11 am

    You ARE amazing!! I am so proud/happy/amazed to have met you! Love you!

  3. Erin
    April 2, 2011 / 4:44 pm

    Love you girls :) Thank you for all your support!

  4. April 10, 2011 / 6:26 pm

    Thank you soooo much for this!
    I am totally going to do it and then blog about it!
    Thanks missy, you are inspiring:)

    • Erin
      April 11, 2011 / 8:33 pm

      Gooo Chantel! Thank you! I can’t wait to read about your success :) Keep me posted!

  5. April 11, 2011 / 12:40 pm

    Do you understand how glad I am that you were there that day?!? Thank you for your honesty, your beauty and for putting it all out there. You inspired me so much. And I cannot wait to continue to see what you make happen…

    • Erin
      April 11, 2011 / 8:34 pm

      Thank you so much Amy, you really made my day :) I appreciate you. You have such a sweet heart, I’ll never forget!

  6. April 13, 2011 / 9:50 pm

    You are my inspiration! I love seeing your fire and passion. Not to mention your photography is truly stunning and you are SO talented! Keep.It.Up.Girl! You are awesome!

    • Erin
      April 14, 2011 / 3:03 am

      Emily, you are too sweet–thank you so much for the encouragement! Your comment put the biggest smile on my face :)

  7. June 30, 2011 / 9:22 am

    Erin, as a fellow MTH alum, I have done the pre-visualization exercise many times and I absolutely LOVE the vision you saw when you closed your eyes. So beautiful. So awesome of you to share your experience!

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